A breeder has a score based on the number of
galleons (the sorcerer currency unit) and on the total weight of all
his born dragons (as well as the sum of all his dragons skills beginning at
level 3).
The simulation (i.e. all the miscellaneous computation about heat, thirst, hunger, ...) is done
once per hour only; hence, don't be surprise if it takes some time for our pumpkins, dragons, ...
to grow!
With only a few minutes a day on this site, you will keep your dragons healthy and you will
make progress in your dragon breeding skills!
This help page varies based on your level (experience) in this game... Come back from time to time to get help linked to your new experience level! Alternatively, you can click on one specific level in the table of contents to see the help linked to another level.
Dragon Eggs
Dragons hatch from an egg: exactly like chickens!
For sure, the dragon egg is much bigger; moreover, the mother dragon
heat the egg by spitting gentle how flames on it.
As you probably don't spit flames (I hope!), you need a different method
to heat the egg: place the egg in a cauldron and put the cauldron in
a burning fire. The quantity of heat before hatching is between 4,000 and
6,000 kcal.
In order to ensure a better heat tranfer between the fire and the egg, the
egg must be placed in the water (like in your kitchen). But, water
evaporates... and you need to refill the cauldron every hour or so
by pouring waterin it.
There are three kinds of waters:
Magical wood logs are mandatory to heat the cauldron. Each log produces 200 kcal
over one hour: exactly the time required to burn completely. If you do the math,
you need between 20 and 30 hours (and the same number of logs of course) to give
enough heat to the egg (of course assuming that there is always enough water to
maximize the heat transfer).
As they are magic, you need to go to the Diagon Alley (1 galleon per log).
The shipping direct to your cellar will be done by the shops.
Do not forget to go downstiar in your cellar to bring back the log to your fire!
The beauty with magical logs is that once a log is completely burned, another one
from the stack of logs will fly directly in the fire!
Hagrid, himself, will give you the first dragon egg with some money (50
galleons) to take care of it. But, until further notice, your fire is only large enough
to boil a single egg!If you want to breed further dragons, you'll need
to buy other eggs in the Diagon Alley (or at the
Gringotts Stock Exchange) for a price of 10
galleons. But, until further notice, your fire is only large enough
to boil a single egg!
Dragon Babies
Dragon babies hatch after about 2 days of heathing, they have a weight of
1 to 3 kg (2 to 6 pounds) for a height of 20 to 30 cm (about 1"). Hagrid
will congratulate you by giving you 30 galleons
after the hatching.
The Dragons
Once hatched, the dragons will grow very very fast (about 1% per hour, this
makes 26% a day -- don't agree? make the math ;-)!
A dragon becomes adult once he is 1.5 meter tall (5");
this will require between 7 and 9 days of continuous growth -- assuming a well fed and well cared
of dragon of course). Once they are adults, they change their physical look and
are able to reproduce.
But their growth does not stop! They continue to grow until more than 4 meters (about 12")
and to get more weight until more than 500 kg (1000 pounds)... The maximum
weight is reached after 11 to 12 days and the
maximum size is reached after 11 to 13 days. Each
dragon has a maximum size different than the others.
Every dragon has a set of parameters:
In order to do so, you have to:
To go in your cellar, it is first necessary to go in your house (by selecting the arrow Home in the menu on the left hand pane), then, to choose to go down in the cellar
To fill the cellar, it is necessary for example to go in your field and to collect pumpkins (to even open a pumpkin to collect 20 seeds out of them). Or to go to buy goods with the Diagon Alley shop or the Gringotts Stock Exchange. To empty the cellar, it is necessary to go first in the house and to go down in the cellar. You will have then the choice tto sell at a fixed price with a merchant of the Diagon Alley (in general at a not very good price) or , to sell with the Gringotts Stock Exchange or to sell at the Gringotts Stock Exchange or to:
A single cock (male dragon) is enough for several hens (dragon female).
Each adult female dragon lays eggs from time to time.
It is obviously required that the male dragon sleeps at the same
place as the dragon female (except Hogwarts Castle and Forbidden
Forest where the dragons never reproduce). Who will well nicely be
stored in your cellar by your house elves.
Note: There is a rumour that the choc-pumpkins exist.
They are chocolate pumpkins that are a delight for your dragons:
they will no longer be hungry nor thirsty, and their morale will return to 100%,
they will grow a little, even if they have reached their maximum weight.
In addition, a single choc-pumpkin is enough for all your dragons!
Alas, no breeder knows how to obtain these choc-pumpkins!
In the case of the other fields, it is consequently
possible that male and female dragons of two different stockbreeders produce
eggs. These eggs belong obviously to the dragons females.
How to Sell your Dragons
When your dragons become adult (size higher than 1.5 meter or 5"),
it is possible to sell them. It is also required that their health and
their moral are good and that their competences of flight and swim are not negative.
Indeed, Moguls of Transylvania exterminated in the XVIII and XIX centuries
all the dragons out of their area...There were no dragons anymore!
The wizards of Transylvania try to reintroduce the dragons
in their area by buying adult dragons in good health
able to fly and to swim at the cost of 2 gallions per kg of dragon
and an additional gallion by point of competence/skill
and 0,2 gallion per point of attractiveness.
The moral of all your other dragons
will be obviously fall because they will be sad to see one your dragons leaving...
The scores of the stockbreeders are computed each hour
by making the sum of the number of gallions plus twice
the weight and the sum of skills
(starting from level 3) of all the dragons of the stockbreeders.
That corresponds to the number of gallions that you could have by selling all your dragons.
Experience Points
Experience points are a measure of your experience :-) You gain some experience
points when:
Based on your experience points, your level is computed as follow:
The area of your pumpkin field is based on your level
(15 m2 by level added on the base area).
Pumpkin Field
Each farmer (heu breeder) has a single field of pumpkins. It may contain
a number of pumpkins (in the form of seeds or in the form of ripe pumpkins)
for all its dragons. The size of this field depends on your level.
The field is very useful: you can leave your dragons for several hours or even days:
he will never go hungry (as long as there are still pumpkins!), and he is going to rest.
The only problem is that there is no water, therefore, the dragons will thirst after 4 days ...
Managing your field is very important for your dragon
because he loves to eat pumpkin. Small dragons (under 10 kg) eat a pumpkin
to fill their stomachs by 40% (so they can no longer eat for 40 hours),
average dragons (over 10 kg) eat a pumpkin to fill their stomach by 20%
(so they can no longer eat for 20 hours), the largest dragons (over 100 kg)
eat a pumpkin to fill their stomachs 10% ... All dragons eat a pumpkin per hour.
Note: it is therefore not surprising if a dragon with an
almost full belly (for example 75% for a baby) does not eat a pumpkin immediately
and instead continues to let his stomach to empty ... We must wait until
the stomach is empty enough to absorb a whole pumpkin in order not to waste!
In addition, the pumpkins contains lots of calories and make your dragons
grow by 2% in each pumpkin eaten! (A bit like the various candies
and other sweets for humans - but a dragon with a lot of fat is interesting for selling).
In addition, you can sell your pumpkin to earn gallions either at the Stock Exchange or to the Diagon Alley merchands
(sale price 0 galleons).
If you do not have any pumpkins, you can also buy them.
Otherwise,you need to buy seeds (0.05 galleon per seed)
and to sow them, do not forget to water, and two days after,
your seeds will have grown and will be transformed into giant pumpkins!
Then, they can be transferred either in your cellar (in the form of
pumpkin seeds or - once opened, a pumpkin gives 20 pumpkin seeds) or
be eaten by your dragons.
Note: Once the seeds are sown, it is impossible to sow more
seeds until all seeds have turned into ripe pumpkins...Multiple Fields
Breeders of level 5 and above can buy new fields (at a price of 10
galleons per m 2. Each of these fields will have a unique name.
The owner of these fields may give access rights to other breeders:
By clicking on
, it is possible to change
the order of listing of the various fields to which you have access.
Simply click on the up or down arrows.
It is also possible to hide a field (eg because it is empty or
poorly maintained): Hidden Fields will no longer be shown
as a possible place of destination.
By clicking on the trash bin , you can
give up your access right on that field. This can not be undone
(unless you ask again to the owner a right of access).
If you were a co-owner and that you invested money in this field
in order to extend it, you will be refunded and the area
of the field will be reduced accordingly. If your dragons were
in the field, they will be automatically moved to the dragon sitting.
Purchasing a Field
Pour acheter un nouveau champ et en devenir propriétaire, il suffit de cliquer
sur le panneau avec les citrouilles. La dernière option proposée est d'acheter
un champ.
Pour étendre un champ existant, il faut en être soit le propriétaire soit
un co-propriétaire et aller dans ce champ. Il y a alors une option permettant
d'acheter un ou plusieurs m2 supplémentaire(s).
Le propriétaire d'un champ peut aussi donner et enlever les droits d'accès aux autres
éleveurs en cliquant sur la petite poubelle
. Voir
ci-dessus, le cas
des co-propriétaires.
Autres cultures
Dans les champs autre que le personnel (celui que vous avez au départ), il est
possible de cultiver d'autres plantes que les citrouilles.
Chaque champ ne
permet qu'un seul type de culture. Il est ainsi impossible de semer des cannes à sucre
dans un champ où il y a déjà des citrouilles. Il convient tout d'abord d'enlever
toutes les graines et toutes les citrouilles avant d'y semer ou d'y transférer
d'autres plantes. C'est le principe de la mono-culture comme dans la réalité.
Note: si vous désirez malgré tout replanter rapidement d'autres graines
(quantité différente ou type de culture différent), il vous est loisible de
: toutes les graines à peine plantées
ou déjà en train de pousser seront purement et simplement arrachées (et donc
non récupérées: elles sont bonnes à jeter).
Les grains ou boutures des autres plantes peuvent être achetées au
Chemin de Traverse
ou à la Bourse des Gringots.
Chaque plante a diverses propriétés:
Name | Density | Production | Harvest | Seed Price Buy/Sell | Fruit/proce Buy/Sell | Consumption /hour canne à sucre | 2.0
| 1 | 5
| 0.20/
| /
| 1
| chou de Bruxelles | 8.0
| 10 | 1
| 0.10/
| /
| 40
| citrouille | 1.0
| 1 | 20
| 0.05/
| 1.00/
| 1
| piment | 4.0
| 10 | 5
| 0.04/
| /
| 20
| |
However, you can drive your dragon at the edge of the forest without any problem and tell him where it should go hunt: the river, the mountain, the cave, the big trees, or Aragog spiders' web...
Your dragon gets rid of pests and other evil creatures by spitting flames (as long as its flame thank is not empty), which will fill its stomach. However, hunting is stressful, thus increasing its nervousness! And its concentration in hunting decline ... So it eats less and less with the time passing.
When a dragon has a good morale (greater than 80%), and if it spends a long time in the Forbidden Forst, sometimes, it will bring you some magical logs! The number of 'harvested' logs depends on its size and on the length of time it spent in the Forest.
Each place (River, Cave, ...) has its very own characteristics!
In addition, these characteristics change slightly each day.
It is up to you to guess, to try and to deduce the best place for your dragon :-)
In some places of the Forest, it will be easier to hunt, or there will be more food,
or your dragon will need more flames ...
But your dragons love to go to Hogwarts to boost their morale!
Hogwarts Castle
It is also a place for all breeders. With a little luck,
you can cross your heroes: Harry, Ron and Hermione!Laboratoire du professeur Slughorn
En allant à Poudlard, vous pouvez évidemment vous rendre au laboratoire du
professeur Slughorn.
Là, vous pourrez vous fabriquer des aquae specierum pulcharum très
utiles pour l'attirance de vos dragons. Ces potions nécessitent beaucoup
de fruits et plantes diverses et aussi quelques heures de distillation
de ces fruits et plantes dans divers chaudrons (qu'il faut chauffer
comme les chaudrons des oeufs de dragons).
La dernière étape de la préparation est le mélange dans des proportions
à lire dans l'explication cryptique du Professeur.
Pour chaque potion réalisée, vous gagnerez 5 points d'expérience.
Dragon Sitting
This is the daycare for dragons (both babies and adults).
You can leave your dragons for one or more days, they will have neither
hunger nor thirst, but on the other hand they do not grow and grow.
To put a dragon on the Dragon Sitting, simply move it there.
The price of the Dragon Sitting is 0.01 galleon(s)/night/dragon.
Les chaudrons
A partir du niveau 6, les éleveurs peuvent agrandir leur maison pour y placer un autre
feu et un autre chaudron. Cela permet alors de faire cuire plusieurs oeufs de dragon
en même temps!
Lorsque vous avez un ou plusieurs chaudrons (2 chaudrons par niveau), les diverses actions
que vous pouvez faire sur les oeufs de dragons (comme ajouter des eaux magiques)
doivent se faire en spécifiant bien le dragon auquel cette eau est destinée.
Le coût des travaux et de l'achat du chaudron est assez élevé: 5000 gallions.
The Weather
The weather conditions change from day to day!
They follow the seasons in the Northern hemisphere.
Each weather condition has an impact on crops (growth rate,
moisture levels) and, in some cases, on your dragons (flame consumption, moral, ...).
Weather | Field moisture | Plant Growth | Morale | Flame |
AVERSE | 2.5% | 1.0x | -2 | -2 |
BROUILLARD | 0.5% | 1.0x | -1 | -1 |
BRUINE | 1.0% | 1.0x | -1 | -1 |
NEIGE | 0.0% | 0.5x | 1 | -4 |
NUAGE | -2.0% | 1.0x | 0 | 0 |
OURAGAN | 9.9% | 1.0x | -5 | -5 |
SOLEIL | -4.0% | 2.0x | 1 | 2 |
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